Sundered 2017

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 24, 2019

Platforms Played


EU release played on a PlayStation 4 Pro.

I'll be perfectly honest, I hated Sundered when I first booted it up. The trailer presented itself as a story-driven metroidvania (at least that's the impression I got), so to be confronted with a rogue like with minimum plot alongside death being an expectancy rather than a fail state, I was extremely turned off. I'd tried roguelikes in the past and had never really seen the appeal, so was prepared to just turn this off and never play it again. But since Sony has no refund policy on PSN purchases, I percevered and forced myself to keep going, and hey this is actually pretty good.

The art style is the first attractor, impleneting a clean, flat shaded look which utilises a hand drawn animation stlye. It's really quite beautiful to see in morion and coming up across the giant bosses in the game is all the more intimidating because of their sense of weight and scale implemented through their motion.

The sound design also manages to capture you, filling you at the best of times with a sense of uneasy calm and at the worst, complete dread. Each time you encounter a horde, a resounding gong plays and hearing it sucks every time for all the right reasons.

I managed to even love the level design in the end, regardless of it implementing some randomisation. The main locations within each area stay where they are on the map, but the rooms and corridors you traverse to get there change each time, which keeps exploration and traversal rather fresh.

And the upgrade system is incredibly satisfying, giving you the classic option between good and evil powers with both sides providing a good variety in benefits that each player will have their own preferences towards. As with most Metroidvanias, traversal becomes a complete and total joy in the endgame and gaining a new weapon or ability always felt good.

All in all I highly recommend Sundered. Even if these types of games aren't your thing, it managed to really sway me over to its overall design with some good art direction and music.