still better than the base ending though

Is the game unpolished as fuck Yes
Are the cyberspace stages kinda ass Yes
Could have the game play been better Yea

But I don’t care this is a fun as hell game from start to almost finished. I do want people to go in as blind as possible but all I will say is that I haven’t felt this sense of adventure since unleashed.

Sonic is fucking back and I am all here for it.

Oh what’s that you wanna get the sonic hat set for your birds FUCK YOU, you have to go to that fucking tower of fortune and cross your fingers that you don’t get a pig card which by the way if you end up getting the pig card you can either use your gems to keep going or watch ONE random ass Ad OOOORRRRRR pay us all your hard earn money for MORE GEMS.


rovio is the worst gaming company, prove me wrong

Sonic into Dreams has no right being this fun

I can finally take the finale seriously

Finally after leaving this game dusting for a while I finally finished it. And yes it is deserved of all the praise and is still one of the best LEGO games ever made, hell one of the best licensed games ever made. The game graphically still holds up with it capturing the sets of the movies so well, the gameplay is simple for anyone to get into and it of course it has the personally of classic LEGO from not just the cutscenes but also the small details in the levels. Though I will say some levels are better than others with a few being pretty bad (looking at you 1-5 and 6-3) but the highs really do outweigh the bullshit ones. Overall it’s a game I recommend to even people who aren’t in to Star Wars and I strongly recommend playing with a friend, it adds more fun to the experience so yeah.

I only played a few levels of this game at a friend’s house and yep I pass

Also worst multiplayer I‘ve played ever


This review contains spoilers

I would have taken the finale seriously if Miles wasn’t wearing that gay ass suit

I want to share a story of the first time I was ever disappointed in life.

It’s 2013 and little kid me was watching his favorite YouTubers play a game called Disney Infinity. I was a Pixar kid and seeing a game where you get to play as Pixar characters and also have them as toys blew my mind. Especially the fact that I get to play as my lord and savior Lighting McQueen. So I begged and begged by parents that I could get the game with the lighting McQueen pack as well. I guess because my parents saw that I was enjoying my 3DS they picked up the 3DS version and wrapped it for Christmas. It’s Christmas of 2013 we opened our presents and the one present that caught me by surprise is Disney Infinity for 3DS with the Lighting McQueen figure to add to it. I was thrilled and excited to finally play a game I have been dying to play since the first trailer, and when I poped in the game on my 3DS and started up the game. Never have I been disappointed more in my life than this very moment.

Still better than Marvel’s Avengers (2020).

I want to say this is the definitive way to play this game but my issue with this version is the lack of multiplayer. It may not be a big issue to most people but to me the best part of playing Disney infinity is making a shitty world and fucking around with your friends playing as wacky Disney, Marvel and Star Wars characters. Maybe someone will mod multiplayer but we’ll see.

Also I tried to refund this game and steam reused, that’s nice.

Fortnite, can you stop being fun FOR 5 MINUTES