Back in 2010, the games included in Valve's The Orange Box were the first non-toddler PC games I played on my own. All three of them are masterpieces, and I've been a Valve/Source engine fanboy ever since. Don't ask me why it took someone with that self-description 13 years to play Half-Life 1, I don't know, and it hurts my brain trying to come up with an explanation. I guess 21st century Valve games were just so dominant in the culture that Half-Life 1 totally escaped my peripheral view, hiding in plain sight.

It's good! I feel like an idiot saying that. I don't usually say this sort of thing, but everything I could possibly contribute to the conversation has likely been said a million times by people who've spent 15x more time with multiple versions of the game than I have, and understand the plot better than I do. It's good. Xen sucks. I like being Gordon Freeman, he's funny.

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2024
