Log Status






Time Played

16h 0m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

August 29, 2023

First played

August 27, 2023

Platforms Played


To all the Pokémon fans who unanimously agreed these were a weak point in the series - I pity you. Game Freak goes full-blazing and warps the original continuity of vanilla Sun and Moon into something more... "definitive?" Definitive is a incorrect choice of words, as GF instead cranks up integral values of the Poke-experience and leads you to play the boom-based mess left. The writing is uniquely strange and diverges to the point where it just sort of hinders whatever story beats you thought were going to be hit next - most characters have mild-ish growth but god-dammit you'll learn to love these guys so much (giving the professor a personality?). Fights are too easy and then on the same route too hard when US/UM decides it wants to have a difficulty spike day. Key elements of a game most find cumbersome - but this is what Pokémon is. Be charmed by this game like I did - or don't. Tropical settings are neat. Pokémon forms are awesome. Gladion and Lillie are forever my little scrimblos.