A disappointing end to the trilogy that at times left me bored and has the most boring story for this series yet. The gameplay has barely evolved and the structure in regards to story pacing, exploration and levels feels a lot more poorly put together. The tombs feel a lot less satisfying to complete and the combat even on hard mode feels a lot less engaging especially with the skill tree not making me feel much of a need for it unlike the previous games. I just lost motivation for completing the extra challenges with how much of a waste of time it feels.

Despite my rant, i don't think It's a bad game at all and still stands fairly fine on its own. I still enjoy the stealth encounters and shootouts and there are some solid puzzles still here. Plus there is some really gorgeous set pieces that are fun to play through.

Reviewed on May 25, 2024


28 days ago

That's disappointing to hear as I wasn't the biggest fan of the first and wanted to go into the sequels with an opener mind haha.
@RedBackLoggd Yeah the sequels are a lot more of the same. I did like Rise a bit more since I felt that's where they peaked in terms of fun gameplay scenarios and it had a lot less downtime than the other two

26 days ago

Did they ever make the tombs longer?
@RedBackLoggd There's a few longer ones but otherwise it's mostly the same across the board. It's either one big puzzle or a series of puzzles that interconnect with each other

25 days ago


Man, I hope I don't come off as entitled for thinking that a game called Tomb Raider should have longer tombs haha.