This game might be one of the best looking games I've ever played but I'll give it that. Unfortunately, I haven't finished this game yet and maybe one day, I'll come back and fully finish the story mode. I find the choice EA made to make the story mode multiplayer instead of playing it like a single player game pretty cool. All tho some people may not like that since they may just want to play the story mode alone like how most single player games are. What "Grounded" and "Minecraft Dungeons" does better here is that there is a choice for you to allow others to join your single player game and vice versa. For some people who want to play it alone, there should've been a setting for that tbh. For people who want to play with others, what I found shocking is that there is no voice chat. So then what's the point of making the story mode multiplayer if there's not gonna be a voice chat?? Doesn't make sense. Sad EA had to be behind this game and hopefully one day I'll come back to this game.

I ended up playing a couple of the first single player missions in this video so make sure to check it out:

Reviewed on Aug 13, 2023
