The finale of the Metro Trilogy. Chefs kiss. Gunplay improved, loved the crafting mechanics in this game too. Stealth is still overpowered. Story is again, where this game shines. Artyom no longer regretting his past with the dark ones, is now desperate to find a place above ground to settle with his wife, Anna. It had a very great narrative story telling and great ending. The open world were really fun. It is one of the best linear fps story driven game.

Two Colonel
- DLCs enhanced the experience. Two Colonel's hurt even more, as you followed Kirill and his father's story and how it came to be known as the dead city. Seeing Miller's perspective at the end and him talking about Anna, Artyom, and being a father broke my heart a second time.

Sam's Story
It was very well done, for a side character to have a great story as well with two different ending that made him go home to his country or stay. I think those two ending is still a fit for Sam's Story.

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2023
