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March 10, 2024

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It's astonishing how well this game holds up in spite of its ambitions. Usually these early 3D shenanigans age like fine milk but the prerendered graphics still somehow look nice. They didn't just coast on the technology like most other 3D showcase games of the era did; they also put a ton of love into the atmosphere, art direction, and animation and that has caused this game's visuals to age gracefully. But it's not just pretty to look at, it's also a fantastic platformer, and the game would not be as well-regarded today if it didn't feel good to play. The level design is tight, and the engine/physics is genuinely some of the best-feeling of any platformer even 30 years on. Screw Sonic, this is a real momentum-based platformer. And do I even need to mention the MUSIC?

Still, it's very rough around the edges in some aspects. The difficulty curve and camera are frustrating, the secrets and bosses leave a lot to be desired, and the level variety is low (way too many caves). It's so insane to me how this game constantly appears on lists of the best video games ever made, instead of its sequel, which improves on this game in literally every aspect.

Overall though, I think this game manages to marry visuals, audio, and gameplay in a way that few other platformers outside the DKC series really do. DKC's world feels truly tangible and alive, which is an insane achievement for a platformer. Platformers usually strive to be as "video gamey" as possible (think Mario), but DKC is so much more than just a video game, it's a living breathing world. I think that's this series' secret weapon.

Also this game introduced my Smash main. Love ya K. Rool