
The core gameplay is really enjoyable. The graphics have aged well and the music is solid. The world is super charming and filled with personality and witty writing. But at practically every turn, this game is completely frustrating and unfun.

You are essentially forced to search up a walkthrough every 30 minutes, and that's not an exaggeration, because of the game's sheer crypticness. Every new segment of the game (both in the dungeons and during the process of unlocking the dungeons), seems to have like three more roadblocks where the game gives you absolutely zero information on how to proceed, despite literally having a hint system. Why do people consider this game good? Are people just so familiar with this game that they know everything by heart, and thus overlook the fact that there's zero way to know what to do or where to go on a first playthrough? Ocarina and Link to the Past also have their fair share of "what the fuck do I do" and "how the fuck was I supposed to know that" moments, but never have I felt those moments made up the entire damn game

And don't even get me started on the unskippable text.

This compass has a new feature! That's so important, we'll tell you this in every single dungeon! Wow, this looks pretty heavy! We'll tell you this every time you brush up against a heavy object! Link checked the chest! HAHA isn't that just so funny??? By the way, this compass has a new feature!

Reviewed on Nov 05, 2023


6 months ago

I played through this before Link to the Past as well and had this problem. Had to constantly look things up for this one.

6 months ago

@lightningzero Glad I'm not the only one who felt this. I felt like I was going crazy haha.

Ocarina is actually the newest Zelda game I've played. I intend on playing the rest of the series, but I'm really curious what the earliest Zelda game is that has no "what the fuck do I do" moments. Right now it's a bit of a turn off for me, and I'm wondering if it's just a product of its time, or something I'm gonna have to deal with for the rest of the franchise.

6 months ago

@JCLKaytwo I think it's just a product of its time! But I haven't played too many Zelda games either so I'm not 100% on that. I started Ocarina with a friend but never finished, but even that one I felt like was pretty intuitive as far as figuring out where to go and what to do.

6 months ago


Ocarina does have quite a few annoying moments here and there. Getting Jabu Jabu to open his mouth, finding the last key in the Water Temple, and finding the Fire Arrows (which, by the way, is required, despite how many people keep spreading the lie that they're optional) for example are very poorly indicated.