The rooms and lighting in this game are second to none, thanks to raytracing. Remedy, as always, are one of few studios who are on the cutting edge of graphics and unique aesthetics. I kept wanting to take a screenshot of every new room that I entered, because it just looked that good.

The main story itself is simple and straightforward, but the mystery surrounding the Oldest House and the Federal Bureau of Control are anything but and was captivating the entire time. I was always looking forward to the next log to read, the next America Overnight episode to hear, and the next Darling presentation to watch.

The gameplay is satisfying but not particularly strong. Jesse Faden basically having Force powers was great, but the gunplay isn't great, and the upgrade systems aren't very interesting, bogged down by uninteresting upgrades and way, waaay too many currencies.

Still, overall an amazing game, and both DLCs are also strong and worth doing.

Reviewed on Nov 13, 2023
