Control: Ultimate Edition

Control: Ultimate Edition

released on Aug 27, 2020

Control: Ultimate Edition

released on Aug 27, 2020

Control Ultimate Edition contains the main game and all previously released Expansions ("The Foundation" and "AWE") in one great value package. Winner of over 80 awards, Control is a visually stunning third-person action-adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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### Review: Control da Remedy Entertainment

Mais uma OBRA-PRIMA da Remedy! Sério, que jogo foi esse? Eu já era fã deles desde o velho, bom e clássico Max Payne, que é um dos meus TPS favoritos. Amei Alan Wake com toda sua vibe Twin Peaks misturada com Arquivo X e adorei Quantum Break. Não podia deixar de jogar Control também, e olha, já virou o meu jogo favorito da Remedy.

Sou suspeito para falar, porque sou fã das séries Arquivo X e Fringe, e esse jogo pega o que há de melhor nessas duas séries e as une em algo único (principalmente Fringe). Se você é fã dessas séries assim como eu, então você DEVE prestar atenção em cada detalhe, cada memorando, colecionável e vídeo que você acha durante a exploração da Velha Casa. Eles enriquecem MUITO a história, fazendo com que o jogo deixe totalmente de ser um TPS genérico (que ele nem de longe é) para ser algo único em termos de enredo. Sério, dê uma chance para os textos, mesmo se você não gostar muito de ler, vai enriquecer muito a sua jogatina.

O jogo brilha não só em sua história, que tem tudo dos melhores episódios de Arquivo X e Fringe: organização secreta? Check! Poderes paranormais? Check! Cientistas extravagantes/“malucos”? Check! Ele também brilha em sua gameplay, que na minha opinião é uma das mais gostosas de um TPS que já joguei. No jogo, você tem à disposição uma única arma, que é uma pistola. Você pode pensar: “Nossa... que sem graça! Só uma pistola?” Aí que você se engana! Ela é uma pistola sobrenatural, por assim dizer, e pode mudar de forma/tipo. Ou seja, ela pode virar uma espécie de semi-metralhadora, shotgun, lança-mísseis, etc. Atirar com ela é muito gostoso e responsivo.

Mas não para por aí. Além da pistola, a protagonista do game, Jesse, também tem poderes paranormais que podem ser usados tanto para explorar os ambientes do mapa quanto nas lutas, que vão desde levitar objetos/inimigos, criar um escudo de detritos, até possessão, entre outros. O jogo, por falar nisso, é QUASE um metroidvania por conta dos poderes e do estilo de exploração do mapa, que vai se abrindo aos poucos à medida que você vai explorando e cumprindo as missões. O jogo conta tanto com main quests como também com missões secundárias que aprofundam mais ainda a história do Bureau of Control e da Velha Casa. Valem muito a pena serem feitas se você curtir a história.

A trilha sonora do jogo é outro ponto alto, tendo ganhado o D.I.C.E Awards. Ela foi feita por Petri Alanko e Martin Stig Andersen (compositor dos indie games Limbo e Inside). Combina muito com o clima do jogo, e a música “Take Control” da banda fictícia “Old Gods of Asgard” é, na minha opinião, um dos MELHORES temas de fases já feitos para um jogo. Sério, estou viciado nela.

Só tenho uma reclamação a fazer sobre essa obra de arte: o mapa. Ele é MUITO confuso no início e demora muito para você se acostumar a navegar e encontrar os lugares na Velha Casa através dele. Eu só consegui me encontrar e explorar o mapa depois que um amigo me deu a dica de ouro de me guiar pelas placas de sinalização que você encontra na Velha Casa. No início, é fácil se perder, e mesmo quando já estava bem adiantado no jogo, às vezes eu me pegava um pouco perdido.

Vocês notaram que eu não falei NADA da história do jogo, né? Foi proposital. Para mim, esse jogo, para ser aproveitado em sua totalidade, você tem que ir sem NENHUM spoiler da trama. Qualquer coisa que eu contar pode perder um pouco da graça. Basta apenas dizer, como disse no início, que tem tudo de bom das clássicas séries de ficção científica dos anos 80/90/2000: muita paranormalidade e uma organização secreta. Ah, e se passa no mesmo universo de Alan Wake, então se você, como eu, curtiu AW, espere várias referências ao jogo.

Enfim... JOGUEM Control... TAKE CONTROL!

Another MASTERPIECE from Remedy!! Seriously, what a game! I’ve been a fan of Remedy since the old, good, and classic Max Payne, which is one of my favorite TPS games. I loved Alan Wake with all its Twin Peaks vibe mixed with The X-Files, and I adored Quantum Break. So, I couldn’t miss playing Control, and it has already become my favorite Remedy game.

I might be biased because I’m a huge fan of The X-Files and Fringe. This game takes the best from both series and merges them into something unique (especially Fringe). If you’re a fan of these series like me, then you MUST pay attention to every detail, every memo, collectible, and video you find while exploring the Oldest House. They enrich the story A LOT, making the game far from a generic TPS (which it isn’t at all) and turning it into something unique in terms of storyline. Seriously, give the texts a chance even if you don’t like reading much; it will greatly enhance your gameplay experience.

The game shines not only in its story, which includes all the best elements of The X-Files and Fringe: secret organization? Check! Paranormal powers? Check! Eccentric/"mad" scientists? Check! It also shines in its gameplay, which, in my opinion, is one of the most enjoyable third-person shooters I’ve ever played.

In the game, you have a single weapon at your disposal, a pistol. You might think, “Wow... how boring! Just a pistol?” But you’re wrong! It’s a supernatural pistol, so to speak, and can change forms/types. It can become a semi-machine gun, shotgun, rocket launcher, etc. Shooting with it is very satisfying and responsive. But it doesn’t stop there. Besides the pistol, the game’s protagonist, Jesse, also has paranormal powers that can be used both to explore the map’s environments and in fights. These powers range from levitating objects/enemies to creating a debris shield and possession, among others.

The game, in this regard, is ALMOST a metroidvania due to the powers and the style of map exploration, which gradually opens up as you explore and complete missions. The game features both main quests and side missions that further deepen the story of the Bureau of Control and the Oldest House. They are well worth doing if you enjoy the story.

The game’s soundtrack is another highlight, having won the D.I.C.E awards. It was created by Petri Alanko and Martin Stig Andersen (composer of the indie games Limbo and Inside). It fits perfectly with the game’s atmosphere, and the song “Take Control” by the fictional band “Old Gods of Asgard” is, in my opinion, one of the BEST level themes ever made for a game. Seriously, I’m addicted to it.

I only have one complaint about this masterpiece... the map. It’s VERY confusing at first and takes a long time to get used to navigating and finding places in the Oldest House through it. I only managed to find my way around and explore the map after a friend gave me the golden tip of following the signposts you find in the Oldest House. Initially, it’s easy to get lost in it, and even when I was well advanced in the game, sometimes I still found myself a bit lost.

You noticed I didn’t say ANYTHING about the game’s story, right? It was intentional... For me, to fully enjoy this game, you have to go in with NO plot spoilers. Anything I tell you might take away some of the fun. I’ll just say, as I mentioned at the beginning, it has all the good elements of the classic sci-fi series from the 80s/90s/2000s: lots of paranormality and a secret organization. Oh, and it takes place in the same universe as Alan Wake, so if you, like me, enjoyed AW, expect several references to the game.

Anyway... PLAY Control... TAKE CONTROL!!!

Though a great time overall, Control feels unfinished at every other step you take in it. I loved the overall atmosphere, but the story feels truncated. Gameplay can be fun, but half the guns feel without purpose, with the loadouts offering minimal customizability. The metroidvania-esque structure could've been interesting, but going through the Oldest House feels more like playing a live-service dungeon crawler than traversing a freaky cosmic horror office building because of that very structure.

I was hoping that the expansions would offer some remedy to these problems, but they barely did anything. Foundation looked cool and some of those levels were the best in the whole game, but you still had to stop and read fucking field reports to get the full picture, or look at compressed video files you can't pause, speed up or slow down. The crystal-shaping new "power" seemed promising but it endeded up being a worse version of a Arm Canon upgrade: a key you use in one place and nowhere else.

AWE was great for a while, but if you never played the first Alan Wake game or, like me, don't remember shit from it, you will get literal zilch from the story. Heartman was an okay-ish sorta persistent asshole, but him dying like a bitch followed by a cutscene that might as well have ended with "Alan Wake 2 is now in development"...was not a great ending.

I would love for Control 2 to happen, but, in more ways than one, this game was a bit of a dissapointment.

Czy kupiłem całą nową wersję Control, żeby dostać DLC, a było taniej kupić nową edycję niż season pass? Tak. Czy kupiłem grę, którą już miałem, tylko po to, żeby popatrzeć na achievementy? Jak najbardziej. Czy żałuję 30 złotych? Ani trochę.
Control jest świetnym pierwszym kroczkiem, w którym Remedy zaciera granicę łączącą aktorstwo gierkowe z tym na filmie. Zaczyna coś nowego, ekscytującego, a zarazem, niezmiernie fascynującego. No ale te same pierdoły wypuszczałem z siebie przy okazji poprzedniego runa, więc co myślimy o fabularnych rozszerzeniach do przygód, naszej ukochanej, Jesse?
The Foundation jest dosyć niespodziewanym skokiem w bok, w świecie Control, gdzie nie zmieniamy tylko naszego otoczenia z biurowych 4 ścian do nierównościennych jaskiń; ale i także rozwijamy relację postaci drugoplanowych, dodajemy im głębi. Co prawda nadal troszkę im brakuje, żeby można było ich uznać za bohaterów z krwi i kości, ale zawsze to coś. Fundacja dorzuca trochę do lore, lekko komplikując sytuację naszego Zarządu, i tego jak, ich postrzegamy. Do tego 2 zupełnie nowe zdolności (działające tylko na terenie dodatku :b) a poziom trudności znacznie podbija się w górę, przez co spędzimy przy walkach troszkę dłużej, niż w podstawce.
To jest tak naprawdę mój główny powód, dla którego się zdecydowałem w ogóle babrać się w DLC do tej gierki. Jawne, śmiałe i intrygujące powiązanie pierwszej odsłony serii Alan Wake z Control. Istny kilkugodzinny teaser tego, co nas czeka, gdy wrócimy do Bright Falls. Za sprawą AWE możemy cieszyć się dodatkowymi monologami naszego wspaniałego Wake, które towarzyszyć nam będą spowrotem w budynku biurowym, który zapewnia całkiem przyjemne dopełnienie do tego z czym mieliśmy do czynienia w podstawowej edycji gry. AWE znacznie bardziej przypomina to, co znamy, dodaje to, co znaliśmy jeszcze wcześniej, i tworzy się z tego całkiem przyjemna rozrywka.
Więcej lore, więcej strzelańska, więcej aktorstwa i więcej wspaniałej reżyserii, więc jeśli Control przypadł do gustu, to cieplutko polecam, chociaż The Foundation troszkę mniej, ale tylko troszkę.

With its memorable performances and engrossing—albeit predictably structured—world-building, Control is Remedy Entertainment's most successful David Lynch fanfiction yet. Hucking forklifts at your enemies and watching a F.E.A.R. level of debris go all over the place is a pretty good time as well, but not good enough to elevate the game's mediocre side content, which itself is bogged down by repetition and a woefully limited in-game map impeding navigation. That critpath's pretty great, though!

Control was a surprisingly great game for me. After playing a lot of indie games, experimental games, and Nintendo games (none of them story-focused), I was missing a more traditional AAA game, and Control was exactly what I was looking for.

The incredible world-building, clearly inspired by the SCP Foundation, was amazing and the highest point of the game. All the mysteries presented through side quests, notes in the world, or just stuff laying around got me curious about this world. However, i have to say it's incredible how in such a creative world the "main enemy" (The hiss) is so uninspiring and uninteresting. The game ending was also a letdown story-wise since there were loads of mysteries left unfinished or underused (like the casino, for example), but overall the story was great and kept me engaged from beginning to end.

The gameplay starts very simple, and the gameplay loop remains unchanged throughout the entire game. However, the new types of weapons, powers, and enemies keep the combat fun and dynamic, allowing you to put your own identity into combat. I have nothing bad to say about the combat, but I think the game could use better puzzles. While there are some good ones, most are very simple. I also wish there was more platforming since some of Jesse's skills allow for interesting challenges but ended up being underused or only used for combat, which is almost never actually necessary.

I loved Control, and it got me interested in other games by Remedy, which I will definitely check out next. You know a game is good when the only defects are that it should take more advantage of its ideas. This leaves me very excited for what Control 2 can be, and is now one of my most antecipated games.

A very fun and engaging third person shooter. Continuing to expand the lore of the Alan Wake universe, introducing a new corner of this world and setting up for Alan Wake 2. However besides the final boss, the game is easy and doesn't present much of a challenge. Also the rpg elements in the game are so basic, not doing anything new when it comes to weapon upgrades and your character. Besides those small issues, I had a good time and will definitely play the sequel to this game.