Platform: Xbox Series X
Date Started: January 2nd, 2022
Date Finished: May 6th, 2023
Time Played: Unknown

"Just dust and echoes."

I was really looking forward to jumping back into and replaying this franchise, even now for the third or fourth time, but in the back of my mind I always kind of dread the majority of this first game.

Repeated levels, same-same corridors filled with seemingly endless waves of enemies that can kill you instantly even on the medium difficulty, backtracking through the same missions on reused maps, tedious level design that feels directionless and repetitive - in my eyes Halo: Combat Evolved doesn't hold up in it's second half near as excellently as it does in it's first.

It's a shame, too, because the story and characters, the world and the gun-play all stand the test of time, but during certain levels I couldn't wait to get to the end.

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2023
