This game was such an overwhelming dissapointment that it actually wrecked my love for the warriors series as a whole. Its a game that's just filled to the brim with questionable choices, awkward unlock requirements and more filler than a plastic surgery.

Maybe I should give a clearer reason as to why this is so bad. Lets look at the characters first. I get this was never going to match the Warriors Orochi series and its 100+ roster but reducing down to 30 is rough. This gets even worse when you realise most of the characters are locked off in one of the three factions and as such, you cant even freely pick between them throughout most of the game. It makes an already slimmed down roster feel even more sparse.

While im on that character roster rant, the roster is indeed very much geared towards Koei's Japanese fanbase. Mostly this isnt too bad but theres a few 'choice' picks who don't translate well.

Most notably Plachta from the Atelier series (who I feel I should be in jail for even looking at) and Naotora Ii (who spends 90% of her time apologizing to everything that moves. In Japan I get this is supposed to be endearing and cute but it doesn't translate overseas very well and she comes off as annoying and whiny). Also having 3 of the 30 slots reserved for O.C. characters doesn't help.

Right I've whined enough about the characters. Lets talk about general gameplay and story progression. Gameplay is pretty much unchanged from most Warriors games which is fine but having most of the game centred around randomly generated battle maps isn't fun. Most of the time you'll just be plonked into a map and asked to hit random objectives. No plot, no core aim. Just random objective after objective until you've ground up enough exp to take on or unlock more actual missions. Its boring. Its tedious and just feels so filler it hurts.

I dont think this game did anywhere near as well as Koei wanted as they soon went back to the Warriors Orochi series and seemingly abandoned all DLC plans despite advertising and teasing heavily to have extra characters incorporated. Overall its just a bit of a slog and only really worth it if you have to play every Warriors game going.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2021
