Samurai Warriors 2 for me is the peak of what classic Warriors is. By that im incorporating all of Dynasty Warriors 2-5 and Samurai Warriors 1 & 2. Built more off the back of the Dynasty Warriors 5 engine, this builds off the original in so many ways. The colours are brighter, the plotlines are more detailed. Stages are cleaner and more fun to roam through and the sheer amount of content on disc is staggering thanks to every character getting their own mode, an expanded tower survival mode and a board-game mode to boot.

Sure, not everything works, the board-game feels at odds with everything else and the less said about the online multiplayer modes on the xbox360 the better, but as a whole this is classic dynasty warriors just done right.

Even then, this is classic dynasty warriors so its still not perfect. Grind is still a large issue and while every character does have their own level set, you will see a few repeated levels as you go through, the most noticeable being the bandit raid levels which seem to be thrown at characters who dont have quite as much to do. Also again: This is a warriors game so if you dont care for the other entries, this isnt going to win you over as in many ways it is more of the same. Still. For those who do love Warriors, this is peak-classic era.

Reviewed on Nov 20, 2021
