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For personal reference more than anything else.

First time playing through this game. Finished after fighting King Dedede. Played on the Switch through Nintendo Switch Online. Got 76%.

It's been just under two months since I played a Kirby game and I also wanted to start playing more games when I need to kill some time for short periods and this seemed like a good choice. But unfortunately it didn't really work out. I didn't like this game, I think it was a mixture of things but the main thing is just how it feels like a less interesting version than either of the first two games, it is so dull for the longest time because its piss easy until the last two worlds and anything new it tries doesn't really work for me. Sure, its like the first two games which I enjoyed, but despite their issues they felt like that had something to keep me engaged or was worth sticking around/playing through the not so good stuff for.

All the levels feel the same except for the auto-scroller ones that just suck (except for the one where you have to go upwards, I didn't mind that one). The music feels the same. The animals don't feel like they provide enough of a different play style to justify their existence and in multiple cases I found myself ignoring them or immediately disposing of them because the little change they did bring was kind of annoying outside of when the game called for it. I will say though, I thought the hamster was cute.

The game feels like it finally adds a bit of a challenge in the sixth world which was the only one I felt even remotely positive on, as I noticed that the levels were actually requiring me to think (even if it was just a little bit) and not just play completely mindlessly. Of course this is a kids game, so really, it should be on the easier side, but the first two games are also for children and they provide more of a challenge than this one (kinda noticing a pattern forming after this and Dead Rising where I complain about the difficulty being too high in one game just for the next one to go too far in the opposite direction, I'd like to think that its because these games just can't find a healthy medium but maybe I'm just being a hypocrite). Another thing I didn't like was the length of the game, I think it was somewhere between Dreamland 1 and Adventure but it felt like the one that overstayed its welcome the most. I really don't think this game needed to be this long, it repeats itself constantly, from what I saw 3 different mini-bosses get used 3 different times each and the game even does the same thing Halo CE went on to do where you do a level you've already done backwards.

As for the ending, I was a little taken aback when the game sent me to the title screen after the fight with Dedede, despite the game hinting at another fight and so I looked it up. Turns out I hadn't unlocked it yet, as not only did I not collect any Rainbow Drops, I had no clue that they were a thing outside of maybe seeing one towards the end of the game. I could probably do it but I just don't want to, I hadn't really liked any boss fight in this game outside of the first phase with the cloud eyeball boss and the way I see it, I got an ending so I don't really care all that much.

So yeah, didn't particularly like the game.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
