If you played the original last year then this is very much more of the same - there's a new area of the map to visit, new debris to dredge, new fish to catch, a new horrible thing to avoid - but not much else, really, and for that reason I found The Pale Reach disappointing. I was hoping for an interesting slice of story or a novel game mechanic, but the ninety minutes or so this took me to finish (collecting all of the extra achievements along the way) felt very slight. More than additional content designed to build on the foundation of the original game, this instead felt like something that had been picked up off the cutting room floor, given some spit and polish and then stuck on sale for a fiver or so.

Not a bad experience, per se, as it so closely follows the satisfying and moreish formula set out by the base game, but difficult to recommend to anyone but the most committed of Dredgeheads.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2024
