I won this game through Steamgifts.

Such a wonderful hack n slash game, with puzzles, bosses, witty lines and tale of vengeance! The combat was so much fun, with all the combos and the different style of weapons, and OH JOY the gore was fantastic, the ways you could rip into your enemies was truly glorious.

I really loved the voice acting, story and the graphics weren't that bad either, considering that this was a 2016 remastered of an older game. 10/10 performance on that regard.

Sadly I also had some troubles with the game, as I was using a wireless XBOX One controller, which made the game lag during game play and cutscenes, it didn't hinder the game play too much, but it was a pain in my bum for sure. I did try playing the game with mouse and keyboard, but it was obvious that the game was not made for PC and it was a struggle.

In the end, this game made me very invested in the story of the four horsemen and I cannot wait to play the rest of the Darksiders games! I definitely recommend you getting this game. even at it's full price.

Reviewed on Aug 12, 2023
