The Witness is a game where you are thrown into a beautiful world of wonder without any explanation other than how to control your movement and how to use your mouse on the puzzles.

It's a game of puzzles that leave you scratching your head more than once, some may take you ages to figure out and some you get done quite fast. The game uses it's environment, among other things, to bring you these puzzles and it uses clever ways for solutions all the way to the end.

Whenever it gets too tough or even boring, you can just walk away and come back later! It's genius how you can just leave and visit another area to clear your mind, then come back to where you were stuck last time and figure it out finally with a clear mind.

The Witness is certainly an experience. A unique and refreshing one. If you're a fan of abstract puzzles and problem solving, there's much to love here, as I certainly enjoyed it. I just caution that a lot of what makes this game satisfying comes from your interpretation of it, not necessarily through the game itself.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023
