I played this game for Pay or Play 2nd Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by La Volpe.

As an operative tasked with fixing corruption in the timeline, you have been sent to the North of England in May 2015, where six people died in a house fire. Prohibited from simply stopping the fire, you must instead manipulate the choices made by the housemates in the week leading up to it so that they all survive the event.

Eternal Threads is a single-player, first-person story-driven puzzle game of time manipulation, choice and consequence. You watch through scenarios to unravel the personal stories of the six people you are tasked to save, while changing their choices along the way to make sure they survive the night of the fire. You can also work through their personal issues while you are at it, which leads to a "perfect ending".

It's definitely an awesome storytelling game that is well written and it combines the ordinary together with the futuristic mundane. It was really hard to just stop playing and I felt like I could have played it from start to finish in one setting if I had the time. The stories of the different characters were very good and really had me hooked. The burned down house was at times creepy and gave a little bit of suspense to the whole game while playing.

The game wasnt too difficult to 100% and I really had a blast while playing it. It's definitely a good game to play if you enjoy choices, time manipulation and a good, well written story. Highly recommended!

πŸ’— This game was gifted to Indie Therapy for review.

Are ya ready to turn your groove on and light up the dance floor with Sippy the Unicorn!? Sippy Disco is a casual puzzle game where you must light up the dance floor with Sippy without stepping on the same square more than once! Though since this is a more casual experience, you are not forced to step on squares only once, that is only required if you wish to get a 100% scoring on a level.

Sippy partners up with their friend Parrots, who you can see are grooving on the dance floor with some funky skates on! The difficulty of the puzzles gets higher as you need to control Sippy, but also the Parrots simultaneously. It's still not too hard and is a very family friendly game, where even younger members of the family could enjoy the game!

The artstyle is unique and lovely, it has a "drawn by a child" feeling, but in a good way. There is different decorations you can get for Sippy The Unicorn and as well as different colors. The black background of the game also highlights the colorful dance floor quite nicely.

My only gripe with the game is that there isn't really a good instructions on how the game works, there is some dialogue on what to do in the first levels, but as you go further it gets more difficult and often has some issues. There also was no way of knowing how to collect the cookies, I had to ask another gamer about it, because I had no idea how to get them, as I was seemingly getting them just randomly. I also believe that it would be great if there was a hint option added for the game, as it would help the game be more family friendly for sure!

Other than that, the game was very fun to play and lovely experience. I do hope the devs will keep improving this lovely game and others will be interested in playing through it! Great game, highly recommended!

I won this game through SteamGifts.
I played it for Pay or Play 2nd Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by Escollo.

Metal: Hellsinger is a rhythm based FPS game where you need to fire, reload, dodge, murder and mayhem to the beat of the soundtrack. It is really a lovely game, with amazing gameplay and smooth experience even for those of us who suck at rhythm based games.

In the game you play as The Unknown, who has lost her voice to The Judge, and her journey is narrated by this skull, who you can also use as a weapon on your journey. She wants her voice back, and she's going to get it by force. The story was pretty good, I do think there was some things that could have been better, and I feel like the game doesn't shine in this aspect, but it was not bad at all.

Many reviews on steam say that it's basically a really awesome album that comes with a free game attached. That's a pretty accurate statement in my opinion. The soundtrack is absolutely a banger and I really, really, really, REALLY need it to come to spotify. I am still hopeful, even after all this time since release.

I played the game on the easiest difficulty and with the "always on beat" setting, because I remembered playing the demo when it was about to release and having rage quitted it, because I just couldn't do it. It's not you, it's me situation lmao. I can't do rhythm games, but this was absolutely one of those games that I had to experience myself.

Now, I know i've talked about the game already a lot, but let me just say, the final battle with my favorite song from the soundtrack, No Tomorrow (featuring Serj Tankian), was SO GOOD! Like, the song makes it 100x times more amazing and cool. It's just so beautiful. I loved every second of this.

It's definitely a game I'd recommend for anyone who enjoys rhythm based games, and FPS games similar to DOOM. It is absolutely worth every penny it costs.

It was one of my favorites, though nothing beats ezio trilogy.

"Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated.
And the witch hunts will never be about witches.
To have a scapegoat β€” that's the key."

β€” Geralt of Rivia

In Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, you get to play as Geralt of Rivia, a witcher, a monster slayer for hire for the right price. You get to traverse the war-torn, monster-infested lands of the Continent while tracking down Ciri β€” the Child of Prophecy, a living weapon that can alter the shape of the world and also someone you hold near and dear to your mutated witcher heart.

This game was an absolute gem of a game to play. Even though I played it on the hardest difficulty for the achievements, it was a blast, every minute of it. Sure it was hard as heck, but the satisfaction you feel after completing a contract or slaying down a quest boss was just that something I really needed. When I got this game my ultimate plan was to first complete witcher 1 and 2 before tackling this game. I did just that, and I felt like this game was just the perfect finale for the journey of Geralt.

There is just so many little details in the world of which you traverse as Geralt, that it's hard to say what specifically I enjoyed the most, but believe me when I say, that I felt fully immersed in this game, would not be an overstatement. The soundtrack is out of this world, giving a thrill to a hunt, or the romance you get to experience. The graphics are just stunning and I had so much fun just screenshotting all the little details of the world around me.

The characters and the story of this game, were something that I just couldn't get enough of. Probably one of my favorite characters had to be Dandelion, obviously, but I also really enjoyed Gaunter O'dimm as well. OH! And Regis, he is such a sweetheart, a lovable vampire we all should love and appreciate. Now speaking of the story, the main game had such twists and turns that at certain points I was sitting on the edge of my gamer seat.

The fact that there is multiple endings is such a treat and I will most definitely revisit this game at some point once again to get a different ending. The two DLCs, Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine were also absolutely amazing stories and I enjoyed them both wholeheartedly.

In the end I must say that this game is 100% worth the time I put in it, and I can't wait to get my hands on the books some day. Such an intricate world that deserves all the love and attention. I do hope there will be new games in the world of The Witcher, maybe not through the eyes of Geralt, but the eyes of another.

Also Triss best girl, fite me.

A melancholic love story between a woman, named Clarisse (main character name can be changed), escaping her busy life as a surgeon and the spirit of a deceased young man, named Nathan. On a fateful day, they are led together by the spirit of Nathan's dog, Ulysses, the most goodest boy.

Autumn Spirit is a lovely, yet surprisingly emotional visual novel styled game with an amazing story and characters. The game left me in tears and the emotion that the characters had was felt by me through the screen very strongly. The dog was also a great addition to the game and it made me sad at times.

I highly recommend this game, definitely worth every penny I spent on it!

πŸ’— This game was gifted to Indie Therapy for review.

Sling Puzzle: Gravity Master is a golf like game where gravity is ever changing and your goal is to traverse the intricate inverted spaces to get to the finish line. You need to avoid running out of energy, traps and creatures along the way that will ruin your journey. You also need to watch out for falling off the map, as gravity doesn't always help you out.

You get to play as a ball shaped creature, completing levels and collecting coins to get even better creatures and upgrades as you go forward. There is a lot of different types of levels in the game and three different game modes to try out; The basic mode requires you to finish the level before you run out of moves aka energy, the capture mode requires you to catch all the chickens on the map in the shortest time possible with no limit to the number of moves and the treasure mode that acts as a treasure hunt kind of mode where you must find all the treasure on the levels to move forward.

The game is easy to play and control and doesn't require too much brainpower to complete the levels. Some levels are harder than others and the interchanging gravity doesn't always help out in this case, but it's a cool concept and a fun way to play a golf like game.

Definitely something I can see many people enjoying to play and I can recommend it wholeheartedly. Such a fun little game.

Honestly speaking a great game for any adult game enjoyer. It's a well made game with solid gameplay, good looking scenes and fun animations. The game doesn't take itself too seriously, as it tries to be a hentai parody version of Resident Evil series, and it very much succeeds at it.

The base game of LEWDAPOCALYPSE contains a wide array of different scenes to unlock, three different endings for the game and a new game + mode that will make your journey through playing the game on higher difficulties more enjoyable. Speaking of the different difficulties, the difficulty ramps up quite a lot in my opinion when you switch from normal to hard and then to Hardcore. If you are looking for a casual hentai game to fap to, then don't go harder than normal, you won't have any time to do anything except try to shoot zombies and other monstrosities.

In the end it's definitely a solid game to play and you can even actually enjoy it without looking at boobs and other parts with the censoring mode, if you so wish to. Highly recommended since it is only 1€ at it's highest price.

It's a game that tries to be deep and philosophical, but for me it was mostly sleep and headache inducing.

Everything is way too white and bright, the chromatic aberration and motion blur are absolutely horrid and the character moves quite slowly.

They tried to implement a good stamina gauge when you try to carry the rock you get tired after awhile, but that really makes the game much more annoying, as it happens way too often and doesn't really make sense when the rock doesn't even seem heavy and feels more like a foam block rather than stone.

I got this game from a friend, so I didn't spend my own money on it, but I would definitely not recommend this game. 10€ is way too much for this game, and it's just isn't entertaining.

πŸ’œThis game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Where Cats is a hidden object game where your goal is to find the 100 hidden cats in the artwork. They did try to be a good hidden object game, but sadly this game really fell flat pretty fast. You get an achievement for every cat found, which is not only very annoying when you have achievement notifications on, but also makes achievements pointless in the first place.

The actual gameplay took me a whopping 5 minutes to find all the cats, so it's definitely a fast game to complete. I would even call it too fast, and due to the fact that it takes so little and there is so many achievements, it reminds me of those achievement farming games.

I want to say I enjoyed it, but I really didn't. There are a lot of different hidden object games out there with cats and other animals that I would recommend pretty much any of the other ones over this one. I don't mean to sound too harsh, but that's the truth.

I really enjoyed this game when I first played it and I am very excited to replay it through steam eventually.

I really enjoyed the story told in this goofy Lego way and there was a lot of great moments. Sadly the story is not finished, as it only includes the stories from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies is not included in the story and most likely never will be, which is sad, as I believe it would have been amazing told in Lego form.

Gameplay wise it is your average Lego game. Sadly there was some reoccurring bugs that almost made the 100% completion impossible, but I managed to go around them. There were crashes occasionally and other things that were a bit annoying, but otherwise the game was very enjoyable.

If you enjoy Lego games I do recommend this one, it's goofy and fun, and definitely a well made Lego game, despite all the small bugs. Very fun.

It's a pretty average walking simulator. It has pretty looking graphics and a fitting, chill soundtrack, but that's it. There is no story, nothing exciting in the map and the environment is pretty repetitive. You have a few Hike Goals that you need to find, but they were pretty easy to find as long as you had a method to your walking around the map.

As this was winter themed and one of my favorite winter themed walking simulators is Chionophile, I wanted to compare the two a little bit. Both have nothing special in them, no story or anything, but somehow Chionophile makes the atmosphere more realistic and enjoyable. I feel like if Winter Valley Hike would have had the crunch of the snow under the character's feet, or the occasional animal here and there, it would have had a better score from me.

That being said, it's not really worth it to buy, unless you get it for free, then by all means play it. It's quite short.

πŸ’œThis game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

The third game in the life of Mimi the Cat, this time you can play it co-op with friends or continue in single player. Mimi the Cat - Meow Together is a sokoban styled puzzle game where you control two different cats, or play with a friend, to push around boxes so you can get to your comfy cat bed and take a well deserved catnap!

This third iteration has brought us new things to enjoy such as hats, collars and other outfits for the cats to collect, a new toy train system for some of the levels that adds a different twist to the gameplay, as well as the new co-op system that you can play separately from the single player with your friend. The co-op was absolute blast and I read some other reviews and must say that it seems like a great addition and will bring lots of fun times to friends of sokoban styled puzzle games.

It's a very cute game and has a lot of charm, if you enjoy sokoban styled puzzle games and cats, you will most likely enjoy the game! For me, I was a little disappointed that the soundtrack was still the same as the previous games, it would have added a lot if there was some sort of small change to the previous games, for those who have played them and have had to listen to the same soundtrack in all of the games. Don't get me wrong, it's a good soundtrack, but it's rather repetitive when you've played all 3 games.

Either way, the game is really fun to play and definitely a good puzzle game, very much recommended for all fans of cats and sokoban!

Definitely one of my favorite card games out there. Gwent is such an iconic cardgame, even inside the Witcher 3 game, but on it's own it really is an absolute fantastic game. I was really lucky to be able to get one of the more rarer achievements as my final one when I played with a friend. Definitely going to still continue playing this from time to time though.