'Village' is the second in this third (presumed) mainline trilogy of 'Resident Evil' games. There is the original (+2) static-camera trilogy of 'Resident Evil,' '2,' and '3' (+ '0' and 'Code: Veronica'); the over-the-shoulder trilogy of '4,' '5,' and '6'; and now the first person games of 'Biohazard' and 'Village.' Having played all but '0' and 'Code: Veronica,' I think 'Village' stands aside 'Biohazard' as the best of the series. If I have any criticism, it is that Ethan doesn't stand out among the big personalities of this series. But I otherwise love how 'Village' expands the series formula. The settings are outstanding, each "house" touching upon a different subgenre of horror (from vampire castle, to haunted house, to killer dolls, to abandoned factory). Setting aside the confounding, nearly broken, timed lycan invasion at the start of the game, the systems are elegant here; the gameplay fun as all hell. I'm disappointed that this wasn't made available in VR, but with the release of 'Resident Evil 4 VR,' I'm hopeful that there is a future for VR in 'Resident Evil.' 'Village' is in the very top tier of 2021 games.

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2022
