'Death's Door' is decent but forgettable. It's more 'Dark Souls' than it is 'Legend of Zelda' and that was a bit of a surprise to me. I think the reason to play would be if you enjoy pattern-recognition combat and deaths that are always but a few hit points away. I most enjoyed the boss battles. Fun boss designs and stories and certainly these fights were more enjoyable than trudging through the millions of grunts to get to them. You really need to quickly plow through 'Death's Door' because the game does a terrible job of reminding you where you should be going and what you should be doing. Add together the seemingly random locations of the portal gates, the ability to walk into and out of any past level, and the lack of any goal indicators, and trust me, it is easy to lose your place. I had hoped for more, but would recommend 'Death's Door' to that specific (but growing) audience that enjoys patterned combat and dying a lot.

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2023
