This game's story is fucking awesome and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Beautiful graphics, animation, some nice character designs, and some of the best tactics the series has ever had. Map design isn't super amazing, but the individual moment to moment skirmishes are great. The music also goes fucking crazy good. My only complaint is that the character building is extremely difficult to engage with until the very end of the game.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024


28 days ago

Awesome? Are you serious?

11 days ago

Dude the game literally has a scene where MARTH FIRE EMBLEM says "Alear, you are the 13th Emblem, THE FIRE EMBLEM". it's so fucking dumb and campy it's fucking awesome. it knows how stupid that line is. that's why it's so great. this game's story is about as deep as the kiddie pool but it presents itself with absolute confidence and all the flair of a king. that's why it's awesome.