I knew this game had a reputation when it came to life-sim pseudo-novels, but damn, still I was impressed.

Exocolonist is a game about tragedy, and subverting it. It's a game that requires you to run through it a myriad of times, similar to Signs of the Sojourner or Citizen Sleeper, but this game really does LEAN into the replay value by having run-based knowledge play into future runs. Oh you knew that dog was there? BAM, explosive trap.

This game does a lot in a short run and it's written beautifully, every character is unique and special in their own way, you get to see stupid kids you play ball with turn into militaristic turncoats, or isolationists bloom into explorers. There is a lot and I can't do justice to how well the characters are written and how well the development plays out. There are many mini-events, side-stories, side-quests, entire hidden areas and events. Each of my runs really felt unique each time, even if spamming tasks to raise scores became a bit of a chore.

The only complaints I really have are my not-too-much-love for the overworld design and some of the repetitive aspects of the game, but even if you do eerily-similar things, you still get massive sweeping changes you'd not have noticed before. I will warn you though, the first run is going to beat the ever-loving sh-t outta you, things will happen, you won't know how, and you'll need to learn how to get further. It's like the game sets you up to fail, to convince you to continue forward.

It's really a great game and deserves the praise it gets. While I'm unsure if it's systems work as well in-unison as some other titles like Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, or even Beacon Pines in some regards. It definitely plays it's hand well and got me addicted to keep running it over and over.

Simply great.

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2024
