This review is exclusively for Chapter 4 (Thy Flesh Consumed)

Ok, I can see why the rating is high for this one, Ultimate Doom includes all of the first game AND the additional content, so it's not like this is a DLC or something like that.
I was about to rate both experiences in the same review, but I just found out they are pretty different, so this review was born.

Not gonna lie, I reviewed the base game with a lot of information from chapter 4 in mind, due to this, I included some criticism there which I had to remove to bring it here.
Chapter 4, launched in Ultimate Doom includes everything you had before, it's just an additional chapter, so, new stages, new mechanics, basic the same but more, right?
Not really.

It seems this was launched next to Doom ll (after it) so the team thought they had to do some marketing, bring something a little different, and some challenge for the veterans, this resulted in some issues.

In base game's review, I mentioned acid/lava floors being an annoying mechanic but used a few times. For the new chapter, it turned into a core element, it's like the main theme of the chapter, it is everywhere, bringing down your HP each step you explore the map to find out the solution. Geez, what a great way to kill the first training experience and already punish those who did not figure out what needs to be done next, forcing you to die and restart with the now-acquired necessary "knowledge".

Also, there is another mechanic I'm not a fan in the original Doom used a LOT in this, which is the overuse of the basic movement/running to achieve different platforms. Maybe that's optional to get some extra items or secrets, but often it is part of the main objectives of the stage, basically, they are platform challenges in an FPS without a JUMP ability, also enemies' hits have knockbacks and below you, there is a pool of lava, bruh wtf.

And what can I say about the first two levels? What the heck happened there lmao, the difficulty is on steroids on those, and then the game is on normal again for the rest of the chapter, until level 6, which is both hard AND annoying as hell, with a main elevator placed in the middle of the acid, hidden behind basic map elements, like a secret, except it is not a secret, it is NEEDED to progress in the stage, also there are tons of enemies around the room shooting projectiles nonstop, barons of hell AND cyberdemon, this stage is the truly Doom '93 final boss.
Worth mentioning that they reused the chapter 3 final boss, just adding more random enemies on a new battle arena.

Chapter 4 is not as good as the main game, but is a big challenge for those seeking for more carnage, just be aware of some poor design choices and you're fine. In the end of the day, is still Doom, and still fun to play.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
