Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales took all the positive parts of the previous Marvel's Spiderman game and improved on them while also removing the boring parts such as wiring tasks. There is still some filler and a few tedious tasks, but there is way less than the previous game and some of it is enjoyable at times. The combat is smooth and it feels amazing to zip around the air, pick enemies up, and throw them. The main story is quite short, but the gorgeous city and fun gameplay is so well-craffed that it makes the game well worth it. The electric venom ability is especially fun to use against groups of enemies.

The performances and story were quite decent as well, with the exception of the main villain's motivation for hating Miles Morales. The game's message to not put down communities just because of their social and economic statuses conveyed through Harlem's role in the story is executed well and is really positive. The game also importantly highlights black and hispanic culture a large amount which is something not usually found in big budget video games, and also advocates and has good representation for women in STEM. Marvel's Spiderman: Miles Morales is a short game, but has so much careful and beautiful attention to detail as well as highly rewarding, addicting, and satisfying gameplay that make the experience of playing it, honestly, tons of good old fashioned fun.

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2020

1 Comment

3 years ago

Wonderful Review!