One of the weaker games in this series, in my opinion.
I honestly enjoy the drama and the campiness of the Dark Pictures Anthology but Man of Medan just felt a bit boring to me. The setting seems interesting in theory, yet the game fails to build on this potential.

I think this might be due to its cast: None of the characters are particular lovable or exciting, they lack depth in a way. I am not expecting the most complex personalities from a game like this, of course. However, in this case, I just found them very forgettable and bland.

The same is true for the narrative. Honestly, I can't even remember most of the plot, I just remember walking through uninteresting landscapes and corridors.

I still had a bit of fun while playing, even though I don't think I will be coming back to this game.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

The basis of the game is really neat if you look into it a bit, [spoilers if you haven't played it](