For being more or less a direct rip of Twin Peaks, only set during Christmas in Colorado, Mizzurna Falls has a surprising amount of potential, but falls off the scope of playability all-too-soon due to technical issues and a stricter action timeline than the game cares to inform you. For all its flaws, it's really a labor of love above all else, for the developers AND the fans. You see, Mizzurna Falls didn't even get a western release, likely due to being largely unpolished, and it wasn't until recently that English fan translations started popping up. Honestly, I don't have that much to say about it, I didn't even finish it due to a bug where my car would be going too fast for the PS1 to load tiles, and I'd drift into an inescapable void where my car would rotate on the X axis instead of turning. I did want to highlight it, though, just for the sake of mentioning how interesting it is for a game like this to release in the 90s with so much potential only to go completely under the radar for everybody until almost 30 years later. It's doing Shenmue before Shenmue, and honestly coming from Deadly Premonition I really don't mind the jank at all and very well may play through the rest of this game using a guide.

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2023
