Painstakingly attempted to complete each game on the Genesis version, managed 46 before I ultimately threw in the towel. Which seems pointless when you're that far in, but like, I'm really tired and want to stop playing this now. Not a single game here is close to acceptable, but the "high" and low points are probably Alien Attack and Dedant respectively. A couple games listed are impossible without dying at least once or twice, even with savestates (Dedant, Man at Arms), a couple appear to be outright impossible (Bonkers, Challenge), and Darksyne, while likely possible, was simply way too fucking hard for me. I don't know why I bothered with this, really. I initially thought it wuold be amusing but as I went on I was just very sad. I have other and better games to waste my time on, and at the end of the day this was just one of my very many poor decisions.

Reviewed on May 25, 2022
