(sega mega drive & genesis classics 57/58)

I liked this a lot more than I expected to. It's not really fun, like, at all, but it's carried pretty hard by just being charming and engaging (much unlike what I was expecting from a game called "Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole").

From a gameplay perspective I think Light Crusader nailed just about everything better (plus it's only half as long as this), but that game is admittedly shockingly lacking in personality for a Treasure game, meanwhile this game has it in spades. This gives it an advantage because it makes me much more likely to reminisce on it than Light Crusader, despite being a more frustrating experience overall.

A lot of the time I found this one really confusing to navigate because of the isometric perspective. A lot of puzzles rely solely on that, and more than anything it's just tedious and annoying. This is mainly in the second half though, while the first half is generally more sober.

Of particular mention is the fucking awful two-hour labyrinth towards the end. Nothing will prepare you for that. It is a pure hellscape of ugly blues and greens. I probably would have this a point higher if not for that section alone.

Between this and Light Crusader, I'm not sure which I would recommend. Probably neither, despite not being bad games. If you can stomach the perspective bullshit, though, then maybe both. Maybe to see which one is more to your liking.

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2022
