One of the highlights of the NES library undoubtedly but it still has a fair share of major issues that bring it down. One is the lack of passwords and saves, which isn't too uncommon for the time at all but seeing as this is pretty long for an NES title it could really use some.

The other, much bigger issue is the fucking wall climbing mechanics introduced after Area 6. They are so fucking bad. A lot of people will tell you this but I can not stress how much more miserable the game becomes with them. You'll always cling to the sides of platforms when you just want to fall from one and even though there's only one new area after this is obtained I probably could count more than 50 times it tripped me up. It's such a shame too, because it's so late in the game and leading up to that point it controls and plays wonderfully. I wish you could just turn wall climbing on and off or something on the pause menu, only having it turned on when absolutely necessary. It's probably one of the most absurd endgame blunders I can think of, at least gameplay-wise. Crusader of Centy still has this beat if we count plot-related ones.

Despite the wall climbing being from hell, I would still recommend this. Maybe I wouldn't recommend beating it, but for that first half especially it's a lot of fun. I just wish it could've sustained that enjoyability longer than it does, and I'd definitely have it at an 8 or so if that was the case.

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2023
