This game is way too short. I started and platinumed this game all in 1 day. I played this nonstop. I was loving it. But 22 hours to platinum a game is ROUGH. That's so short for the $70 price and I didn't skip a single cutscene. It is good, but it is a little disappointing. I think the gameplay is great, it's hard to imagine how they can improve it even more in the next game. I loved that they added a parry system. It's so satisfying. The weakest part is probably the story. Venom and Kraven are cool, but, idk. They just didn't feel like enough for me. I feel like they blew their load too early with Venom. I don't really know what to say with how I feel, the story was just very meh to me. There wasn't even a hard hitting scene like the end of part 1. At least they improved the MJ shit, still wasn't GOOD tho.

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2024

1 Comment

3 months ago

Exactly my thoughts! Too easy to platinum and the lack of New Game + made this a disappointing experience.