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I had a damn good time with this. On a creative scale this is a 10/10. A crab soulslike. It sounds so ridiculous, but it somehow works.

I loved the way the game looks, I love the combat, the platforming, the bosses, the game is even funny. It even has one of my favorite memes, Loss. I didn't expect that at all. Also, I died laughing when I read the description of the baby shoe. "Never worn" That's a funny meme reference right there. Also they hit us with a deez nuts joke if you actually look for it.

I do have a few complaints tho, so let me list those:
1. I had some HUGE lag spikes in certain areas. Like I fell off a cliff multiple times because my game would freeze trying to platform. I guess it had a hard time loading in the area?
2. The lock on camera is VERY jank. I think it needs to unlock faster after you kill an enemy and it needs to unlock after you no longer have sight of the enemy.
3. Sometimes the platforming itself can also be very jank. You can get stuck in places you're not meant to go.
4. Let us zoom in and out and move around the map. Kind of annoying it's just a still of where we currently are.
5. As of rn there's a glitch to where I can't find the skull shell. It's literally the last one I need to get the platinum trophy. So I'm PRAYING it doesn't take months for them to patch it cause I had to wait like 5 months for Powerwash Simulator to fix their shit cause I couldn't platinum it.

But outside of those things, I still loved the game. And they're things that can easily be fixed with 1 update. The fact I didn't have many problems with a game that JUST released is a miracle these days.

The only boss I hated was the steamroller poison dude. He sucked. The final boss was cool but boy he pissed me off.

Oh yeah and also: I know die hard Souls fans don't like it, but I truly appreciate the option to make the game easier. I only used it whenever I was collecting the rest of the shells. The gun was fucking hilarious. But this was absolutely worth the money. In the end it's gonna take me about 20 hours to platinum it. And I'll for sure replay this game a lot.

Imma be completely honest: I didn't beat this game legitly. For the last 2 bosses I save scummed hard (But I genuinely did first try the final boss! I swear! Well the "final boss" for act 2).

This game is WAY too hard for me. I thought the boss run backs in Dark Souls were mean, this shit is next level. The first time I tried this game I was so pissed off when I learned how harsh it is when you die. I hated it, deleted it and said fuck it. But I couldn't stop thinking about it. I loved the gameplay and had fun playing it. I even looked up tips on how to get better. The bosses are so cool and their attacks are pretty.

It's a great game and I respect the hell out of it. It's just extremely hard and unforgiving and I couldn't beat it legitly without going insane. The enemy spam go crazy.

I'm in the minority in this for sure. I still enjoy this game a lot. It's 100% a Resident Evil ripoff, but I love using the glaive. It's fun to control it and cut off the heads of the enemies. The controls CAN be a little jank at times, but you get used to it. I like the creepy setting, I like the enemies, I like the blood and gore.