A sequel to AoS except it does everything even worse.

Yet again, another overhyped game that ended up really disappointing me.

All the problems with the Aria odf Sorrow return in this even worse game. Do you wanna grind for abilites again? Gotcha covered. So you want to be lost to find out a common enemy holds the ability you need to progress with no indication that is the case? Gotcha covered. Want to feel like exploration is even more a waste of your time? Sure thing! Want even less secrets to find? Here ya go! An even smaller map? Sure thing!

Oh but it gets worse. You want a stupid difficulty spikes and bad designed bosses? This game has it.

The final nail in the coffin, do you want the worst designed final boss in metroidvania CV? Oh let's talk about it. The first phase is laughable. If you have the right abilities you literally do not have to even move. The problem lies in phase 2. Do you want a boss that continues to summon enemies that do not die quickly? Do you want a boss arena that is way too big so you cannot hit the boss at times? Do you want oddly specific hit boxes for you to hit but the boss contact damage hit box is absurdly huge? Do you want a boss that can literally corner you and then stunlock you to death just because it wants to? Do you want to try and fight it normally like any other boss for an hour to realize it's actually a gimmick boss? I SURE DID! You get an ability late game that you don't realize is key to beating this boss. It fires in a straight line. The only way to hit this boss easily to be honest.

CV is known for it's different builds and play with whatever weapons you want. Play how you want. Not for this boss! It wasn't designed for that. It's a gimmick and there is no telegraphing that it is.

This final boss is such a slap in the face to Castlevania. Gimmick boss with one strategy to beat it reliably. Even with this strategy, it still is a frustrating fight. With the respawning enemies, bad hitboxes, and the stunlocks into death.

AoS and DoS are very uninspired. It felt like the devs forgot what makes CV fun. Exploring that makes you feel rewarded for doing so. Combat that feels good. And well designed boss fights. I will never play this game again. AoS and DoS only good contribution to metroidvanias as a whole is that they heavily influenced Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. A fantastic game that finally fixes the problems of the monster ability system.

You can like what you like. AoS and DoS are not bad games. I just hate them. They are mid at best imo. After a long time of making metroidvania CV games, I feel like this was their low point.

I did not like what AoS and DoS turned the series into. It would have been better if certain key abilities were given to you instead of you having to magically know a normal enemy drops it. It's bad game design to say all bosses give you things needed to traverse the world. But then have to kill random guy over here 30x times to unlock more traversal options. Even if they are only needed for optional areas. With a genre based on exploration that is a sin to do.

At least the music is good.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2024
