An interesting lore driven world let down by bad design decisions.

We are gonna start negatively here but I gotta say this. There is no need to shame people with a note from the devs when you turn on God Mode. And there is no reason to turn off auto aim at any point. There is a target range that holds an essential move and they turn off the auto aim and give it stupidly tight timing. Get your ablest act together Remedy. You are lucky I'm not giving this game a 0.5 for that reason alone. You do not shame the disabled for turning on accessibility and you do not turn it off randomly. There is not excuse for that.

Now after that, let's talk about world. The world is really neat. You are always curious about everything. There is so much mystery in it all. The characters are really neat as well. Some set pieces are fantastic.

Gameplay is fine. A bit jank but fine. The biggest issues here are 2 very bad decisions by the devs. The first being that there are no waypoints. Now this is not a problem if you map is good. Sadly though, this game has the worst map of all time. It makes it so hard to find out how to get somewhere. It's infuriating. Get ready to be lost.

Side note the AWE DLC is terrible. It recycles rooms from the end of the game. Makes you repeat the same things over and over. Find bad guy, turn power on, chase him, repeat. It was lazy.

The story is mostly great. But in true Remedy fashion, they have no idea how to end their games. The end is a let down.

I like and hate this game to be honest. I had a great time with it until the devs got lazy. Once the game starts being less about the world and more about a singular issue and relationship within that world, it just lost my interest. Like the last 2 chapters is where it no longer is fun or interesting. Despite one really fantastic set piece.

This game is plagued with bad design and not friendly to the disabled. I think that's why it disappointed me so much. It was tired.

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2024
