A game that starts out strong but very quickly you see through the matrix and the gameplay loop.

I miss when horror games were not just about stalking/chasing you. I'll elaborate more on this later. When I say stalked I mean the boss is walking around looking for you and run after you if spotted. When I say chased it means a high pressure moment where something is following you. It's more scripted and you cannot escape.

This game has some really good moments and some very mediocre ones. The game is set up in 4 different main areas/bosses, a hub world and a intro/finale sections. The hub world is decently fun to explore. It has a little bit of a metroidvania feel to it. As in you can't explore it all without getting access to something that allows you to progress.

The first main area is the best. It feels the most like old Resident Evil. We are in a mansion. The bosses in here are really fun. And they are constantly stalking/chasing you. A total of 4 of them. Just a really fun section. I got spooked a few times. I was very on edge throughout it. The boss fights were fun too.

You then end up going to a modern horror section. Which is actually decently fun. It's like, find the puppet multiple times within a time limit or die kind of thing. Cool and a first time RE has done something like that. But then, you get chased once again for no reason by something incredibly stupid.

Section 3 is the worst. Just not a fun area. Not a fun theme. The boss is dumb. His fight is dumb. He is not even scary. And guess what...HE CHASES YOU! His chases are a bit more scripted though.

Section 4 is fun. The only problem is the you guessed it, you are being chased constantly. I will say the boss is very fun and unique. Despite being chased for the 5-6 time by a boss.(I left a few of the other chases out.)

A lot of other things happen after that I won't talk about due to spoilers. The final boss is fine but also real annoying.

The story is fine. It's RE. Some plot twists. Ties some stuff together. It's serviceable for a horror game story.

Gameplay wise, it's also nothing special. It's a horror FPS. Do not expect it to be anything more than that.

Now let's talk about my biggest complaint and what I told you I would elaborate on at the start of this review. You constantly being stalked/chased. Each of the 4 sections you get chased. You get chased in the intro. I'm sure there are other times I'm forgetting. NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS TO HAVE A CHASE SCENE! You don't always need an invincible thing stalking you at all times. At a certain point, you knew the game was going to have a chase scene. It no longer was fun or scary. Just annoying.

The entire first large area is you being stalked by 4 different bosses. The next area is really cool. Then for some reason you have to run away from something to escape. Followed by another chase section. Killing that boss. To then be stalked and chased again. Mind you, most if not all can one shot you if they catch you.

This is not a bad game. It's just respective. Being stalked and chased can be fun, but not if it's the entire game. There are other ways to create suspense and spooky vibes. I just wish this game did more of that.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2024
