Welp, I'm many years late to the party but I bought this on a whim and its pretty damn good. Addictive as hell and tons of different items and upgrades to mix and match. But Its hard, like very hard, and that's mainly because its unbearably cheap at times. 1 life, no continues. You get one life bar which can get melted away in seconds if you get a bad RNG room. Also, one of the most frustrating things is the random luck of the pickup. You're somehow expected to remember like 300 items and what they all do, which of course is nearly impossible. Spending hard earned coins on an item at the store only to get a bad pill that completely fucks your run is so annoying. The game needed to be a bit better balanced and less cheap deaths. Its still pretty great, but a game like Hades perfected that balance and difficulty perfectly and its hard to go back to this after that masterpiece.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
