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The level up system, story, atmosphere, soundtrack, gameplay, characters. All peak. My only wish is that it was a bit harder it's kinda easy.

This game has nearly everything I wanted from a P3 Remake, emphasis on NEARLY.

It's still the same amazing story, with the equally amazing cast. Now in HD, a better dub in my opinion, and tons of QOL improvements.

For the stuff I liked: The revamp Tartarus got was amazing, it was such a slog to go through in the original since the themes didn't feel varied enough, music sounded the same for most of it, and the generation was flat and boring throughout all of it.

Here in Reload; all the blocks have thier own style of generation and lighting aswell as just nice background details. Still not a fan of how similar the music throughout it was though.

I never thought the idea of the original's combat was bad, in fact I think it could be cool. But the way it was executed was too flawed to be fun in my eyes.
Reload now gives us full control over our party members, but also apperantly making the AI Tactics even worse. That is a shame, but me and most people were going to play it with direct commands anyway.
As for the direct commands combat in Reload, it's the greatest combat system this series has seen to date.

Baton pass is back as "Shift" and now no longer breaks the game in half like in P5R.
The Navi for once isn't OP since she has her own SP meter to keep track of, and the rest of combat is the standard fast paced and stragic 1 More system we've come to know.

The new Linked Episodes and Dorm Hangouts let's us spend more time with the cast which is always a plus. And the Social Links are now fully voiced. And this game features some of my absolutely favourite Social Links like Akinari and Aigis.

However the lighting and cutscene direction is noticeablily worse in alot of areas in Reload. Aswell as the fact some of the remixes don't sound as good (all the new tracks are fire though). The Answer being 30 dollar DLC also sucks and no femc is disappointing.

Doesn't stop it from being a wonderful game however.