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bionicle is a game all about the popular Lego brand: bionicle (who'd have guessed).
The game has many issues, and to put it briefly:
the camera controls are a bit wonky (but you could get used to it)
when you save your game, the words "save successful" stay on screen for 5 hours.
The snowboard controls are worse than bears repeating.
Enemies and mini bosses respawn when you backtrack.
Useful cutscenes are skipable, but the useless cutscenes aren't.
I can, however, point out some good in the game like the start of the game is a good introduction (even though my game bugged and got me stuck on the pause menu, so i had to restart the game), but the game isn't as good as it could of been.
(Please note that none of this is meant in malice, and please don't take offence to this opinion).