My favorite game, genuinely special and a joy to play.

So far it's the only game I've played where I've had to write stuff down, I'm sure there are many other games out there where I will have to do this someday but, the amount of content in the game and level of satisfaction when you make major progress and solve puzzles feels one of a kind to me.

The difficulty feels just right, the music is lovely, and slowly as you inch through you really feel like you're pushing yourself, which is rare in a videogame.

It's unfortunate to think about how many people have likely been filtered by this game instead of pushing themselves through, since I think the feeling of accomplishment for beating it in earnest is very satisfactory.

Great Christmas game! I think most people should play with a guide, but it's a unique experience on the PS1 regardless, and I have not found another game like it on the system. Play without a guide if you are just simply on another level.

Do not play drunk or it'll actually be irritating (๑•̀д•́๑)