Been on my replay of this one the last few weeks and just a little thought so far but ... it's the little things in Fallout, you know?

This is a really fun, really great game in so many ways that also manages to drive me nuts sometimes. I came here to write this because of one particular 'little moment' where attention to detail was lost:

While speaking to Jack Cabot upon arriving at his home, he asks the player character if they believe in other intelligent life in the universe. An hour before I began this quest, I killed a 'little green man' extraterrestrial and then took its little Alien Blaster in which I had it equipped at the moment of chatting with Mr. Cabot. None of that reflected a dialogue choice with him that not only do I believe in them, I straight-up shredded one into the ground.

Had this been a moment in Fallout 1 / 2 / New Vegas, there's a really good chance you'd have been able to go "Well shit yeah I do, his green goo-blood is under my fucking boot!" or something of the sort haha.


Reviewed on May 10, 2024
