I played this before ever playing RE 5 or 6 and I've heard 5 and 6 are both MORE actiony than this.

The setting for this game is actually really good and is mostly what made me want to play it before 5 or 6. A creepy cruise ship with tight corridors and puzzles.
The atmosphere is great but I feel like a lot of tension is taken away from the game for a few reasons.

Being able to move while shooting makes things feel less claustrophobic, I'm probably a minority in thinking that being planted while shooting makes RE games better.
Having a partner by your side also makes things feel less horrifying, even if it's just a practically useless AI Bot, horror games are never as scary if you're not alone.
I played on Normal and had a few struggles here and there but the sense of survival horror isn't all that present, I was constantly bombarded with ammo and hardly ever felt like I was going to run out, kind of the same with herbs at times.

I didn't care for the plot. I'm quite bad with following the story sometimes as it is but this just didn't interest me at all. Again, also biased to the early games and the S.T.A.R.S/ Umbrella plots.

My biggest gripe with this game is probably the water sections. I think the thing I hate most in videogames are underwater sections. I know there aren't TOO many of those and the game IS set on a doomed cruise liner but I just hate them so much.

There was a pool room in the game that had a giant mutation growing and I pressed a button that apparently makes the mutation die but nothing ever came of it, I went back to check once or twice but nothing developed. I can only assume it's something for New Game+

Definitely worth playing if you like the RE series. Many people probably played RE 5 and 6 before this and maybe this felt refreshing after those being so action based but to anyone coming in from The OG trilogy and even 4, it's very different.

Reviewed on Nov 18, 2021
