This surely has to become the foundation for future Pokemon games.
The recipe they put together here created such a superb game. I was completely hooked from the start.
I picked it up after not playing a game since the original Diamond and I got it because it looked like such a great new direction for the series. It's a direction I dreamt of since playing the original Blue/Red game.

It does have its flaws but only minor ones, they don't ruin the game but in my opinion they prevent it from being the masterpiece that I think is waiting to happen.

I loved the Hisui region but the lack of towns, trainer battles and Gyms was a bit disappointing.
Some of the end game battles DO make up for the lack of trainer fights but more of them would have been great.

Not having towns was a bit sad too. I used to love the feeling of finally reaching a new town after trekking a tough route and passing through an unexplored cave. Being able to discover what the new town had to offer was always so fun.

Gyms will be a welcome return in a new game too.
The noble battles just didn't do much for me. I liked that they tried something new with a more action focused bit of gameplay but I just found throwing bags of crap at the pokemon pretty lame.

There was one or two other things but they were mostly just me being whiny and I'm sure they didn't bother many people.
The only one that may have was the fact you had to return to Jubilife every single time if you wanted to go to a new place. It just meant double the loading screens and I can't think of a good reason for it?

I'm really excited to see what comes next after this game. Even just DLC would be amazing!

* I set this as Mastered but only got 9 Stars. I found the grind for the 10th star to be a bit tedious for no reward, everything else was done and I'm considering the game Mastered.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2022
