war never changes, and neither does the infinite praise for this game. you'll be hard pressed to find a game with a larger and more diverse cult following than this one. i could talk about this game and what makes it amazing and worth playing to anyone that is a fan of rpgs, but lets just leave it at the amazing story telling and writing, as well as the roleplay opportunities with both weapons, skills, and dialogue.

i finished my first playthrough after 100 hours. this game sure does show its age, but its one of the best rpg experiences out there, with so much replayabity, customization, and - with its devout modding community - an infinite amount of new content, always there to explore.

i have now since played another 236 hours getting all the achievements, doing each ending, exploring different mods, and roleplayed several different characters throughout my experience with this game. no matter how much i play, i cant stop thinking about my next run.

(pasted from steam)

as of today (12/20/23), the game's playable beta branch is at version 0.99b, meaning the whole game is playable and the endings are achievable. do not listen to any of the reviews saying the game is never coming out. it makes me sad seeing the recent reviews stuck at "mixed" because people are mad the devs decided they want to work at their own pace, especially since they warn you about the time it will take in the early access info.

this game is a great rpg to play with friends. the exploration and combat are so fun and it feels great to diversify your build based on how your friends are building. theres no better time to start playing it than right now.


got it for free on epic, then bought it on steam just for achievements. this is the best game you've never heard of.