Well I’m happy to see after X3 the games didn’t continue to get worse! In fact I’d say X4 is the best X game so far! (given what I know about the rest of the games it’s probably gonna stay on top)

I played through both X and Zeros stories, I really like how different they both fight plus I liked that it added more replay value to the game. My biggest complaint about X3 was the lack of checkpoints and thankfully X4 is much more generous.

Level design is very solid with a few fun additions like a level where you’re on the hover bike the whole time and one where you can earn power ups for finishing sections in a certain time.

Overall I really enjoyed my time with this one and would happily play it again.

Top 3 Maverick Names
3) Web Spider
2) Magma Dragoon
1) Jet Stingray

Next up is X5, I have no idea what to expect from this one but hopefully the quality doesn’t take too big of a hit!

Reviewed on Dec 03, 2023
