A real contender for my favourite Resident Evil game!

I love how well polished this game is. The way enemies look as you shoot off bits of their bodies and how Leon and Claire have little comments when enemies are near by or if you miss hitting them a few times. It’s so good!

A good amount of suspense as you have to manage your inventory as only have so much space to start. Even if you do have to pass on some items the games map will make them for you and it’ll even show you if there’s still items to collect in a room which is a great feature that helps when exploring.

I didn’t even mind that you have to play the game twice to get the true ending! Thankfully there are a few differences so it’s not the exact same thing.

While I don’t know if I’ll ever attempt the game on hardcore difficulty or try and get an S rank in the campaign Resident Evil 2 Remake was a blast to play!

Guess I’ll have to try the remakes of 3 and 4 at some point!

Reviewed on Apr 19, 2024
