Playtime: 15 Hours
Score: 8/10

So after just finishing Resident Evil 8, I can now say I have finished yet another RE game, with that being this remake. I never played the original version, as RE4 was my first real Resident Evil game, but this remake has been very high on my want to play list as I love this series and the survival horror genre! I spend about 8 hours in Leon's campaign and then 7 hours in Claire's. So what did I think?

I will say first off the graphics are top notch, even a few years later. The detail in characters faces is incredible and I love the design of the police station and many of the areas. Combat is more like the modern RE games with over the shoulder third person shooting, You still have to manage inventory space with ammo, key items and other useful things like planks to board up windows to stop zombies coming in. The weapons all feel good to use, though Claire by far gets the better arsenal, as she gets multiple ammo types, with special ammo for her handgun that blows zombies heads off with a single shot. It felt like favoritism on the devs part lol.

I played on Assisted difficulty and it felt just about right for me personally, as the game is still challenging but not brain dead easy. Zombies still take a million shots to kill with one time I fought a zombie that took 10 shots to the head to die which was ridiculous. But overall it felt fair for the most part as you can't go in guns blazing, and have to be strategic with your shots and use of items. The puzzles as well were really good and had me stop and think for a few minutes to figure them out which was good.

The story is serviceable overall, and again I never played the original, but I liked seeing the two sides of the story. Leon's campaign goes into how the outbreak happened and the two scientists who did it, where as Claire's is more personal through her side character Sherry, which I enjoyed seeing too. Playing Claire's campaign second helped humanize a lot of the characters and add more depth to it all. There are some plot inconsistencies towards the end between the two campaigns though, with regards to when certain events play out for each character and in what order.

Some of the negatives, are the new remake soundtrack. Its awful honestly. I played the first few hours with it, but then caved and switched to the original music which isn't even in the base game and you have to pay extra for it as DLC. This is just unacceptable in my opinion as there are plenty of other remakes like Trials of Mana that include both versions of the OST in the base game. What makes it even worse is that it feels like they deliberately put zero effort into the remake OST, so that classic fans or ones who care about good music in video games would cave and buy the DLC. Even though you have to pay extra for it, if you do decide to do it, the original OST is awesome and it even includes the old SFX when selecting items in your inventory and the creepy voice at the title screen.

The other negative is the lack of boss variety. I understand this is a remake, so they probably were just being faithful to the original game, but you literally only have two bosses in the whole game that you have to fight multiple times. Mr. X and another boss I won't spoil. I can understand Mr. X since he's meant to stalk you throughout the game, but the other boss you have to fight multiple times too in scripted events which is just lazy. Even RE1 had more boss fights than this. I guess because they had Mr. X following you, maybe they had to cut back on adding more bosses, but to me I just wasn't a fan. I'd rather have more unique bosses for each of the areas, while still having Mr. X show up occasionally. Mr. X is cool though, and the fact that you can often hear him stomping around looking for you, always sent chills down my spine.

Overall though, this was a solid Resident Evil game and I enjoyed playing through it. RE4 will always be my favorite in the series though!

All Games I have Played and Reviewed Ranked -
RE Engine Resident Evil Games Ranked -

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2022
