Playtime: 15 Hours
Score: 9/10

I have had such a great time revisiting Rapture across the first two games! Rapture is one of my favourite worlds to explore in any video game with the writing, characters and atmosphere being unmatchable! I can't gush about the story enough, in all honesty!

The gameplay is still a lot of fun although the second game definitely streamlined this games gameplay loop. The enemy variety is okay, with the big daddies being the ones who are the most interesting to take on. The pipe mini-game for hacking got tiring after a while, as some of the setups are really hard to complete before times run out, to the point of putting you at a disadvantage. It felt like this for me even towards the end, when I had tonics (passive bonuses), that were supposed to make it easier but it all still felt cumbersome. Thankfully you get plenty of auto hack tools towards the end to bypass a lot of these annoyances. Combat is pretty good, although I can understand some players complaints about having to switch between guns and plasmids mid-combat. I definitely prefer the second games dual-wielding system and the combat here did annoy me a little but not enough to overly hinder my experience. The weapons are really fun though, with my favourite being the chemical thrower!

Overall, this is still a great game and I thoroughly enjoyed replaying it!

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2022
