i haven't played this game in a while, but i think i have a general enough feel of it to leave a review, i will update this once i eventually, PROPERLY, finish the game

when i first got my new gaming pc, this was one of the first games i played, & honestly really cute & good stuff! i played a LOT of animal crossing NH in its hayday like everybody else did. but the short time i spent with this game was a lot more meaningful, & when i have more time i really want to play this more since its so chill

so i'm gonna list everything i like so far;

- music
- visuals
- cute
- interactions & events feel very unique
- i like that there's some combat in the game
- upgrading & growing your business is a good time

i kinda went in blind first time so i definitely am not playing optimally lmao, but i do like this. i'll embarrassingly admit, i only downloaded this game because i heard you could date in it, & sebastian looked like computer xiao to me so i was like 'yeah!'

i have no idea when i'll pick this up again, but if you somehow haven't played this yet & enjoy being happy then this is a good game yes

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2024
