A new Crash game! The series that made me play video-games, certainly has a special place to me, i played crash 3 for more hours than my younger self knew how to count, only to be disapointed with the lack of new 3d platformer on the next playstation consoles (yea there were some, and crash ps2 was ok... but never the same)

Crash 4 picks back right from where my favorite left us, and honestly? does a pretty good job! To finally been able to play a 3d platformer crash style again was wonderfull, after n'sane trilogy it was a mere question of time (aha) and we have crash 4.

The game itself get's all correct on the characters and small narrative, very fun, very compeling, new characters added fun new mechanics (but also, when do we get Tawna standalone game? plz), new powers! 4 new maks to have fun with, new ideas, new, new....

Well you guessed, crash 4 it's a great game, but it has flaws, there are too many ideas , some of them are bad, but the most anoyng thing is the length of the levels, like there are 48 levels plus the tape ones, plus the inverted, why all the levels have to be 30m long? seriously, they have 1 good idea and bloathed the levels with bad ones just o make it bigger, even the new characters, their level are really fun, but you have to replay the same level after.... why? Even the masks, the third one is not even used on the final boss, speaking of wich, boss fights are kinda.. lackluster. Like crash 1 the difficulty in the end is out of hand. I'll not even start with the Boxes, you just have to forget they exist, fells kinda againt the original crash ideas, but it is what it is.

But to end in a good note, crash 4 is a really fun game, when there's one idea and it is the whole level it really shines, like the Madi Gra one, there are a lot of fun moments. I'm really happy to see crash back, for me this is a "Crash 1", i hope they can cut the edges and make a slim, more focused sequel, looking forward to it!

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2020
