Chicory was the best surprise i had in a game in a while, while in the surface it looked like a game about painting, it is so much more than that, and as Chicory herself would say "there's no only one way to do things" and there's no one way to play chicory.
For starters yes chicory is a game about painting, however, you don't need to interact with it at all if it's not your thing, the act of painting is used for a lot of things and the black and white scenarios are still great.
It is actually a great puzzle game! You use your brush in the most diverse of ways to interact and solve puzzles throughout the experience , and as with the painting if you aren't good with puzzles, that's fine, you have phone calls to call your mom and dad and they will tell you how to proceed in the most adorable way.
And my lord the soundtrack, it makes all of that work, Lana Raine yet again achieved greatness, from the menu, to the citys, to the amazing boss fights and incredible duets tones, it's incredible to see a soundtrack just as good as Celeste's.

In the end, more than all of that, chicory is a game about it's character's, about you (in my case Pizza!) and chicory, about how you don't need to do everything by yourself and you shouldn't push yourself just because someone says so, it's narrative accomplishes brilliantly what it goes for, and that alone is a reason to play this game, even if you don't like all of the rest, chicory is just THAT accessible, don't miss out like i almost did.

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2022
